Be Soil Savvy Your interest is piqued. The following links and leads are to help you get involved and learn more! Learning on your own Schedule or Formally: Journals and Publications: The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) has an extensive list of soils publications that are worthy to follow.Formal Study: There are a range of programs at universities in Canada and internationally. Get Involved: Join a group: Soil Science SocietiesVote in Elections for Candidates whose policies best support sustainable soil useBe aware of where your food come from and what soil practices were used to grow itCompost and Practice the Four R’s (re-think, reduce, reuse, recycle) – the fewer things that go into landfills, the more land is available for supporting ecosystem processes.Determine how your actions impact soil use at a local and global level and strive to do something about it! Other Resources: PRSSS: prsss.landfood.ubc.caCSSS: csss.caSoilWeb: